The day of the married was a lovely day. Maxy and her wife married in a elegant church. When they married, all the friends and the family took the bus and they started the way to the restaurant. The road was very curve and thin. Suddenly, appeared a black van and it skidded in front of the bus. The bus braked quickly and the door’s of the van opened. Three strange people left the van and they started shooting to the bus.
The three men were covered with a lot of black clothes. When the shooting started Maxy thought that one of the three men was his brother so he called him but his brother answered with all the normally so Maxy asked him to help because three strange men were attacking his bus.15 minutes later John appeared with his band of mafious and they defended the bus shooting to the van. When all that finished and they arrived to the restaurant Maxy asked for explanations of was what happening.
Nobody couldn't explain the shootout, so Maxy try to relax and he sat with his wife in the table and start to eating. The food was very good with an excellent wine, imported to La Rioja. They ate the first plate and when the second plate was coming it sounds a mobile phone. It was the mobile phone of Maxy. He went to the toilette and he answered there. When he was chatting somebody open the door of the toilette and a member of the mafia kidnapped Maxy and he entered in the black van and he escape with him.
Maxy started shouting asking for help but nobody could hear him. The gangster tie Maxy’s hands with a rope,so, he couldn’t move. Meanwhile, his family realise that Maxy wasn’t there, John’s friend said that he heard something, five minutes before so, they started running to the place that the noise came. Maxy was inside a van kidnapped, it was just the van that they had seen before. The van accelerated and it started escaping from them. Immediately, John and most of the people that were in the wedding took their cars and they arrived until the back of the van that was Maxy.
John and the others couldn’t caught to the kidnapper, so they think that they needed help of police, They phoned to police and they said was happening. the police started to catch to the kidnapper and after three hours they caught the kidnapper because his van was without gasoline. They took the kidnapper and the police took to the prison. After happened that the went to the place of the wedding, there were married and they lived very well after the wedding.
You like the story?. This story is written by 6 people that we are in groups each one we do one history. I'm gonna show you the storys that we do at groups:
Ibon Iparragirre's story
Joseba Olaetxea's story
Imanol Arruebarrena's story
Joannes Garikano's story
Manex Izaguirre's story
My Story
I hope you enjoy it!
Please, many of your verbs, subjects, possessives...are wrong!!!!!!